More than just a Health Coach...
Hi, My name is Christina Charley, and welcome to Love Yourself Fitness!
Who am I? Before I am a Faith Based Health Coach, I am first and most importantly, I am a lover and follower of Jesus Christ. I am married to my best friend Damien, a mother of 4 wonderful children.I hope you will find this a place that you will come to again and again to receive inspiration, encouragement and helpful information to help transform your mind, body and spirit.

Several years ago I found myself in need of my own transformation looking for health coaching and a way to a new beginning. . I was hurting on the inside even though my outer world reflected a "life to the full." I was working in ministry, had a house full of beautiful children that I homeschooled, and a husband who loved and supported me. Yet, lying beneath the surface, I often felt lost, sad, broken from the constant pressure, judgement and self-criticism that I constantly subjected myself to. I often felt like I wasn't "enough or doing "enough. In return I had put on 15 extra pounds and had lost a sense of who I was. The women's minister, coach and trainer needed help. I needed more than just a Health Coach.
As I asked God for wisdom and clear direction, he began to lead me to several different trainings that allowed me to work on my own intensive personal and spiritual growth while learning how to help others do the same. As I asked God for wisdom and clear direction in my life, I came to understand that true health and wholeness are not about the calories you consume and how much you are exercise. At the root, it's about LOVE. Your ability to give love and to receive love.
Today, I am passionate about helping women to live healthy, whole, and fit lives while experiencing the true freedom, love and joy that we were born to experience! I guide my clients on their path to heal life and health imbalances naturally through my "Love Yourself Transformation," and through one-on-one and group health coaching. I focus on my clients learning to make conscious, correct choices for themselves through God nutrition, exercise, mindset training, and self-love. I give my clients the tools they need to become the best version of themselves. I am looking forward to help you to transform your mind, body and spirit!

Christina Charley is a wife to her husband Damien and mom to her beautiful children. She is the founder and owner of Love Yourself Fitness.
Professionally she is a certified Holistic Health Coach and Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Revelation Wellness Instructor, Licensed Heal Your Life Instructor, and Weigh Less to Feed More Facilitator.
In her college years, Christina was a scholarship track and field athlete at Vanderbilt University and graduated with honors and a degree in Elementary and Special Education.
She continued her studies at Syracuse University, taking Master courses in Exercise Science.
She has coached track on the Division 1 level in Track and Field, started Nashville’s first Mom and baby stroller fit bootcamp and has been a personal trainer for over 12 years. Christina has extensive ministry experience where she taught trained and counseled woman and teen girls for over 16 years.
She is passionate about giving women the tools to live healthy, faithfully fit, joy filled lives.

Cathy Freiberger, Assistant Coach, Love Yourself Transformation
Hi, My name is Cathy Freiberger. The story of how I got here is very different from Christina's, but also similar in that we both have a deep desire to glorify God through our lives, to be our best for him, and to help others! I'm excited to tell you a little about myself, and the miracle that God has worked in my life through my friendship with Christina and her Love Yourself Health Coaching Transformation.
I've been married to my wonderful husband, Alan, for over 19 years. We have two great teen-aged boys, and have homeschooled since the oldest was in first grade. Before homeschooling, I taught Special Education at the middle and senior high school level for 18 years. I've taught First Aid and CPR classes for the Red Cross, and have tutored adults and elementary school students who were learning English as their second language. I've always loved getting involved in the lives of others, and helping them learn to overcome their obstacles.
I've dealt with being overweight for most of my life. I've tried many diets and programs, all of which would work for a while, but then I would get tired and discouraged, and go back to old ways. Each time, all of the pounds I'd lost would come back, usually with 10 or 20 (pounds) of their friends! From childhood, I fell into a pattern of viewing myself as not being "quite good enough" when my weight was out of control, no matter whatever else was going well in my life. I didn't realize this at the time, but as I became an adult I ended up using my weight as a "protection," meaning that people had to look past the outside to get to "the real me," who was on the inside.

About two years ago, at age 52, I was in the worst health of my life. I was almost back to my all-time high weight of 270 pounds, weakened and still healing from a major car accident, and very discouraged. I looked at my dad's very poor health, finally saw myself going down that same road in the next 20 years, and knew I didn't want that. I started praying and asking God to lead me to something that would work for me to lose the weight and keep it off, as nothing I'd tried had worked before. Within two weeks of praying this way, Christina contacted me out of the blue and asked if I would consider being in her first Love Yourself Transformation group. She'd tried to talk to me before about my weight and health, and I hadn't been very receptive, so I knew that God had to be the one prompting her to reach out to me! I talked to my husband, and with his support, decided to go for it.
As they say, "the rest is history!" I went into this program without much hope that I could make life-long changes, but with a lot of trust in God, and in my friend, Christina. I decided that if I didn't succeed, it wasn't going to be from a lack of me doing my best to follow everything in the program or from not accepting Christina's coaching. A little bit of determination and one step of faith can take you a long way! The first week was hard, but I had real results! The second week wasn't as hard, then the third, fourth, and so on. Step by step, day by day, my body responded to the life-giving foods and exercise, and my mindset started to change! I often tell people that the Spiritual focus of Love Yourself was the "missing piece of the puzzle" for me. As I learned to look at myself through God's eyes, my self-confidence grew, and what other people thought was no longer such a challenge for me. It gave me such joy to discover the new journey God was taking me on, and pretty soon there was no turning back! In about 15 months I hit my healthy weight goal, and am now maintaining a loss of 124 pounds, 84.5 inches, and over 33% body fat! I am healthier than ever, and so much stronger! My mindset about my weight and health is so much different now, and I feel like I'm living inside a miracle!
As Christina saw my heart (and my body) changing, it became clear to her that I really "got" the heart of her dream. She asked me to come on-board with her, and I was delighted to become her "Coach-In-Training!" It has been so great to learn from her vast experience in helping others, and to walk alongside her as she has further developed the Transformation program. Under her leadership, I started successfully coaching my own groups last November, and it has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done! I love getting to know other women, many just like me, who have lost hope of ever winning the battle of their weight and health. It is also wonderful to see them change in their spirit and love for themselves, and gain so much confidence as they begin to see how much God loves and believes in them, no matter what the scale says. This is so much more than a "diet & exercise plan." It is a lifestyle, and I welcome you to join our sisterhood and start your own journey of Transformation!